RIS Index
Version: 20141110
RIS Index in Czech Republic
The RIS Index is provided for the Elbe-Vltava waterway in the "RIS Index Encoding Guide" version 3.0 format. The RIS Index includes data on objects (RIS Index sheet) and the waterway network in the form of distance marks and junctions (RIS_Index_waterway_network sheet). The current version can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:RIS Index in Europe
Valid RIS Indexes of national infrastructures of other involved countries can be downloaded on page of RIS.eu.31. 8. 2022
24. 2. 2022
16. 2. 2022
11. 1. 2022
13. 10. 2020
6. 10. 2020
29. 4. 2020
19. 3. 2020
25. 2. 2020